Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mommy Envy

We've all done it. Compared ourselves with other moms. It's so easy to do when you read a Facebook status, look at a cute idea on Pinterest of something some other mom did with her kids, or read one of the many many blogs out there. You look at other moms and assume that they have it all together; that this picture of the smiling children doing a fun activity is the way their days always go. We wonder why we can't be a super-mom like she is.

It is so easy to fall into the comparison trap. Sometimes comparing can be helpful because it brings perspective (like reading that a friend of mine has kids who wake up at 4 or 5 in the a.m. makes 6:30 seem like sleeping in. It really would have helped my mood if I would have remembered that this morning!), but often it brings discontentment, or dissatisfaction with the situation that God has us in. Paul writes to the Philippians saying, "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me" (4:11-13). Whatever situation we face, we need to rely on God for His strength. Yes, even in the times when life is going exactly the way we like it. Especially then; because in those times we run the risk of becoming prideful and thinking we can do it without God's help, and pride is a very dangerous sin. It is the root of a lot of other sins. (Proverbs 8:13, 16:18 and 29:13, Mark 7:22, and 1 John 2:16 are some verses that tell us what God thinks about pride in case you want to look them up.) And in the times when you are challenged beyond what you think you can handle, know that we serve a God who has overcome the world! That is an amazing thought. He never loses the battle; He always wins in the end, so whatever my battle is He can give me the strength. The other day when my patience was wearing thin, I was very aware that I could not do it on my own. My words miraculously came out of my mouth calmly instead of the impatient way they played in my head. I thanked God for that moment, because I had every intention of snapping at my kids.

The truth is, you'll never be super-mom and neither will she (whoever "she" is). Because truly, none of us can do this on our own. We need God to be our strength and our guide. I write these words as much for myself as anyone else. I've realized this in myself so much lately. It's not that my need for God wasn't there before, but my sinfulness and my weakness has been magnified in my eyes so that I can see His perfection and my dire need for Him even more than before.

So remember the next time you are tempted to be discontent; God wants you to be content right where you are and He will give you exactly what you need not just to get through it, but to do it well. Then you can give Him the glory for a job well done.


  1. Thank you, Melissa! This is so good. Only through Him can we have this deep contentment! Thank you for that reminder.

    1. I hope you don't mind that I used you as an example. :)
