This dog. I can't even tell you how long we've had him, but he almost saw his last day here the other day. It's a good thing he's sweet, and cute, and patient with the kids, because it very well could have been the last straw.
We've been struggling this whole time with incontinence, hoping that he'd eventually get it. We put him in diapers to help the messes (which really does help, normally). We take him out every 2 hours when we're home. I bought a bell to put by the door so he can tell us when he has to go. We thought maybe he had a bladder infection, so we took him to the vet. As it turns out, his bladder's not broken; he just has some serious separation anxiety, and an unhealthy attachment to me. Ha! A bladder infection would have been a lot easier to fix!
The other day, we were gone for several hours, and for the second time, he busted out of his crate, and pooped and peed (through his diaper) in several places around the house as he searched for me, his favorite person.
Needless to say, I was NOT happy. When I found that he had wet on the backs of the couches, he was on my list of least favorite pets! I ran to the store to get some spray that specifically gets rid of pet smells. All it really did was make the couch smell like the spray mixed with urine. GROSS!
Last night, I found this remedy (click here to view) that I should have tried in the first place. So, if you run into this same problem (or your toddlers have potty accidents, since we all know that happens too), this seems to work.
Now I kind of want to go and use this remedy on all my carpets, just because!
And in case you are wondering, we have now put an extra latch on his crate so he can't get out. For some reason, he can open a crate from the inside, but he can't grasp out how to ring a bell to go outside. Go figure.